Friday, December 16, 2011


There’s no escaping it…..a new year is upon us.

I was talking to a friend awhile ago and she remarked that she no longer intends to make New Year’s Resolutions and instead will make a “Bucket List”. I’m not sure where the phrase bucket list comes from and I’ve never seen the movie, but I assume it’s a list of things you’d like to do before you “kick the bucket”.

Regardless the idea resonated with me. As the self designated chair of the sniffin’ 60 club I’m a lot less resolute these days anyway. The truth is, as of recent, my personal quest has been focused on becoming more of myself than becoming who I think I’m supposed to be. My past new year’s resolutions often felt like things I should do as opposed to wanted to do. Thus, my bucket list was formed with an eye to things that bring me joy, enrich my life and are just darn fun. Here’s the short list:

Stop counting calories, aches and pains and count my blessings instead.

Lecture less and listen more to my amazing kids, because they are now adults with insightful and imaginative thoughts to share.

Throw more impromptu get togethers because I truly believe that a hectic house is a happy house.

Eat a bit of chocolate everyday because NOTHING gives me more instant gratification.

Go night time skinny dipping in a warm pool as I did as a kid because there is nothing quite as freeing.

Wear a bikini one more time even if I don’t take off my coverup and still insist on standing in the back row for photographs.

Do tequila shots with friends and not worry about how I’ll feel too hungover to make my workout the next day.

Sing Karaoke with abandon. (Maybe after the tequila shots)

Play more and workout less. You get the same result and have so much more fun.

Stay home on a snowy day and watch endless episodes of Glee and Parenthood while making chocolate chip cookies and eating the dough, knowing I won’t stop until I have a full fledged stomach ache.

Watch Ted Talks videos ( often not only because they’re interesting but because they are so very inspiring and give me hope.

View more youtube videos of comedians Jon Pinette and Loretta LaRoche because a good belly laugh is worth everything.

Would love to hear from some of you as to what’s on your list.

Here’s to a year filled with bucket list moments!

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